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朱晨杰,男,博士,教授,国家生化工程技术研究中心副主任。入选国家级青年人才支持计划、江苏省杰出青年基金、江苏省“333”高层次人才培养工程(第二层次)。兼任《Green Synthesis & Catalysis》、《生物加工过程》等期刊编委,国家林业和草原局“木质素高值化利用国家创新联盟”理事、浙江省生物基全降解及纳米材料创新中心委员等职。


Angewandte ChemieACS Catal.Green Chem.Chem. Eng. J.等高水平期刊上共发表SCI收录论文70余篇(Top一区论文32篇),SCI他引1300余次,个人H-index指数为23 (Web of Science);参编中文专著2部。

获授权美国发明专利3项,中国发明专利52项,部分技术已获工业应用;参与制订《生物基材料术语、定义和标识》(GB/T 39514-2020)等国家标准3项。













2017年,中华人民共和国教育部 技术发明二等奖(3/6);

2016年,中国石油与化学工业联合会 技术发明一等奖(4/8)。



1. Z. Tan, C. Zhu*, J. Fu, X. Zhang, M. Li, W. Zhuang, H. Ying*. Regulating cofactor balance in vivo with a synthetic flavin analogue. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2018, 57, 16464-16468. (IF = 12.102)

2. C. Zhu, Q. Li, L. Pu, Z. Tan, K. Guo, H. Ying, P. Ouyang. Nonenzymatic and metal-free organocatalysis for in situ regeneration of oxidized cofactors by activation and reduction of molecular oxygen. ACS Catalysis, 2016, 6, 4989-4994. (IF = 10.614)

3. Z. Cao, Z. Fan, Y. Chen, M. Li, T. Shen, C. Zhu*, H. Ying*. Eicient preparation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from cellulose in a biphasic system over hafnyl phosphates. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2019, 244, 170-177. (IF = 16.698)

4. C. Zhu, T. Shen, D. Liu, J. Wu, Y. Chen, L. Wang, K. Guo, H. Ying, P. Ouyang. Production of liquid hydrocarbon fuels with acetoin and platform molecules derived from lignocellulose. Green Chemistry, 2016, 18, 2165-2174. (IF = 9.125)

5. C. Gao, M. Li, C. Zhu*, Y. Hu, T. Shen, M. Li, X. Ji, G. Lyu, W. Zhuang. One-pot depolymerization, demethylation and phenolation of lignin catalyzed by HBr under microwave irradiation for phenolic foam preparation. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2021, 205, 108530 (IF = 9.078).

6. Z. Tan, Y. Han, Y. Fu, X. Zhang, M. Xu, Q. Na, W. Zhuang, X. Qu, H. Ying, C. Zhu*. Investigating the structure-reactivity relationships between nicotinamide coenzyme biomimetics and pentaerythritol tetranitrate reductase. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 2022, 364, 103-113. (IF = 5.837)

7. M. Li, X. Sun, Y. Chen, T. Shen, Z. Tan, C. Tang, W. Zhuang, C. Zhu*, H. Ying. Effect of xylan sulfate on the responsive swelling behavior of poly(methacrylatoethyl trimethyl ammonium chloride)-based composite hydrogels. Cellulose, 2020, 27, 8745-8756. (IF = 5.044)

8. C. Zhu, W. Ding, T. Shen, C. Tang, C. Sun, S. Xu, Y. Chen, J. Wu, H. Ying. Metallo-deuteroporphyrin as a biomimetic catalyst for the catalytic oxidation of lignin to aromatics. ChemSusChem, 2015, 8, 1768-1778. (IF = 7.226)

9. Y. Chen, X. Sun, J. Shan, C. Tang, R. Hu, T. Shen, H. Qiao, M. Li, W. Zhuang, C. Zhu*, H. Ying. Flow synthesis, characterization, anticoagulant activity of xylan sulfate from sugarcane bagasse. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 155, 1460-1467. (IF = 6.953)

10. C. Zhu, Z. Zhang, W. Ding, J. Xie, Y. Chen, J. Wu, X. Chen, H. Ying. A mild and highly ecient laccase-mediator system for aerobic oxidation of alcohols. Green Chemistry, 2014, 16, 1131-1138. (IF = 9.225)

11. C. Tang. J. Shan, Y. Chen, L. Zhong, T. Shen, C. Zhu*, H. Ying. Organic amine catalytic organosolv pretreatment of corn stover for enzymatic saccharification and high-quality lignin. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 232, 222-228. (IF = 5.651)

12. L. Zhong, X. Zhang, C. Tang, Y. Chen, T. Shen, C. Zhu*, H. Ying. Hydrazine hydrate and organosolv synergetic pretreatment of corn stover to enhance enzymatic saccharification and co-production of high-quality antioxidant lignin. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 268, 677-683. (IF = 5.651)

13. M. Li, Y. Jia, X. Shen, T. Shen, Z. Tan, W. Zhang, G. Zhao, C. Zhu*, H. Ying. Investigation into lignin modified PBAT/thermoplastic starch composites: thermal, mechanical, rheological and water absorption properties. Industrial Crops & Products, 2021, 171, 113916. (IF = 5.645)

14. 朱晨杰,张会岩,肖睿,陈勇,柳东,杜风光,应汉杰,欧阳平凯*。木质纤维素高值化利用的研究进展。中国科学:化学,  2015, 45(5): 454-478.(中国香山会议邀请综述)

15. 朱晨杰,付静雯,谭卓涛,应汉杰*。天然烟酰胺辅因子再生体系及其人工类似物研究进展。化工学报, 2018, 69(1): 259-271.(中国化工学报95周年纪念专刊约稿)